I've made my final payment on my little girl!~ She should be here in a couple weeks or so from texas!
I also bought a new jacket today from this asian fashion site called jstyleshopper.com .
Very cute things there! A bit pricey but I'm willing to try it from the cheap forever21 alternative. They have things i like plus i can invision myself wearing it because all the models are asian!~ but anyways I LOVE THE STYLE !!!
I also got alot of things for my dolls cause i got back into them again. I got a casual dress set for one of the girls. Its like a fall/winter outfit. I got kisa and toushiro a new wig. Which im looking foward to getting because the styles are really different and i'm experimenting with colors.
And thats all i think that i bought. I really want to buy more things tho @__@ I need to start saving up for other stuff . blah!!~ well that is all!!~
I hope you find comfort in knowing that I'm about to spend too much, too. HAHAHAHHA. Shame on us >_>