Wednesday, January 11, 2012


These freaking cute alpaca plushies are jut too much for me to handle! I saw one at ALA and I bought her. I'm pretty sure she's a boot leg but she looks exactly the same as the real thing.

This is my alpaca I got at ALA. We took her to denny's and she looks like she's peering over the sweater looking at me haha!! But anyway She's my so called boot leg version and I say that because the tag that was on her was some Chinese company. Didn't look like the actual Arpakasso, Japanese, tag.

Where to buy:

There are some sites but the one I found that I liked the most was

She only takes orders once a month and spots are limited. So make sure to friend the facebook page and watch their blog.

I was lucky enough to get a spot for this month and I bought my arpakasso from that page. This is what I got :) !

First picture I bought the white boy.
Second picture I bought D.
Third picture I bought A.

Hehehe I cannot wait to get them! Review of them will come once they come!~